Bird Hanging & Overhead Conveying Systems

Best Mate supply a wide range of overhead conveying systems and components, including tracks, chains & trolleys, rollers, hooks & shackles, plus in-line cleaners.

Contact us to discuss your requirements. We will ensure our solution is compatible with your labour workforce capabilities, and production line system (Linco, Marel, Meyn, etc.)

Humane Society Guidance:
If it is necessary to shackle live birds, the area should be well-ventilated, dry and as draught and dust-free as possible. Noise and any other possible sources of disturbance to live birds must be minimised. In particular, loud, sudden, abrupt noises may unsettle and panic birds; so metal gates should be baffled, radios should not be excessively loud and personnel should avoid shouting (especially whilst handling birds).

Shackling staff should be rotated to other duties at regular intervals to prevent operator fatigue and/or diminished concentration which may hamper their ability to safeguard bird welfare.

More animal welfare guidance…