Electric Stunner Machine for Poultry

In-line electrified water tank for stunning poultry before slaughter and bloodletting. Indispensable equipment for automated poultry processing plants. The stunning operation is mechanised to cope with the high throughput of birds. Poultry are manually unloaded from their crates and suspended by their legs on a moving shackle line.

After being allowed time to settle, several birds are conveyed into a water bath where their heads are submerged, completing an electrical circuit and causing stunning. To aid animal welfare, the sloped entry ramp allows birds to swing into water-bath in one smooth motion.

From a welfare point of view, the stun-kill is favoured as it removes the risk of birds regaining consciousness during or after neck-cutting. However, some plants prefer stun-only policy to prevent possible carcass damage, followed by neck-cutting. In this case, trained staff should then check that all birds are unconscious and insensible when they emerge from the stunner before neck-cutting.

Machine Specs:

  • Stun time: 3~10s
  • Frequency conversion electric stunning
  • Insulated fibreglass water tank
  • Input supply voltage: 380V
  • Output voltage: Adjustable depending on type of poultry (DC 0~100V)
  • Output frequency: 500~1200Hz
  • Output current: 0~800mA
  • Output current intensity: <0.5A
  • L x W x H: 1,900 x 480 x 1,700mm

Model MS-DYJ Category Line