Abattoir Hygiene Guide

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Maintaining cleanliness and good hygiene practices in a poultry abattoir are essential to guarantee the safety of the product and workers. Here you will find general guidance and food-grade poultry-processing machines to aide cleanliness.

Abattoir Equipment Maintenance Guide – 5 Essential Tips

photo of assembly line

Routine maintenance must be performed by the operators. It includes cleaning slaughtering equipment, refuelling, adjustment, lubrication, noise, oil leakage, safety accessories and wear pattern etc. Maintain regular maintenance records and replace individual parts when necessary.

Animal Welfare Guide Pt. 2 – Stun & Kill

animal welfare chicken slaughter stun & kill guide

Second part of humane guidelines for poultry in abattoirs – adapted from AGW (A Greener World). This stun & slaughter guidance should be followed to meet approved welfare standards in South Africa, UK, USA & Canada.